MC- MC (名前は思いつきませんでした) は無実の人でしょう。彼らは特定のゲーム、または少なくともそれに似たゲームをプレイして育ったので、島に到着したとき、パルトレーナーの生活を送れることに有頂天になります…しかし、気づいたとき、そこで夢は打ち砕かれました。この島がいかに暗く恐ろしいか。それでも彼らは何があっても人々を助けたいと思っています。メインチーム:
[Daydream(Main Partner)-the first Pal the MC catches a playful and cheerful creature she loves her master and will do anything to help and protect them. Daydream despite her small size she is a fistey little creature willing to even the largest and most powerful of opponents. She also forms close bonds with the other main characters and is usually out side of her Palshpear]
[Relaxaurus-the third Pal the MC catches Relaxaurus is a very lazy creature however that doesn't mean they're not powerful. The main cast first encounter Relaxaurus after the PIDF angered him causing him to go on a rampage and attack a nearby town. The MC has to catch him in order to stop him from hurting himself and others. After his capture Relaxaurus initially starts off as a rebellious creature who would usually ignore the MC's orderers and just nap instead however after the MC saved him from being stolen by the PIDF he ends up forming a strong bond with the MC and become one of his most loyal friends and the MC would be the only capable of waking Relaxaurus up from a nap without getting pulverized.]
[Nitewing- the second Pal the MC catches Nitewing is a pal with a classic bird brain with him not being very smart but having an unwavering loyalty to the MC and hates to fail them which is sad because failure perfectly describes Nitewing's battling career.]
[Rayhound-the fourth pal captured by the MC Rayhound was a part of a pack of Rayhound's however when the Syndicate capture the rest of her pack she has to get help specifically form the MC and there friends. After the MC shows there willingness to do anything to help save her pack even injure himself she decides to join him. She is serious and quick to anger often growing tired of the nonsense that the gangs other pals get up to.]
[Anubis-he's the last pal that the fifth pal the MC catches. While out in the dessert trying to learn more about the Island and how all the human got there the group take shelter from a sand storm in an old abandoned temple. Said temple is home to Anubis who was placed there to guard the secrets of the Island from anyone who is unworthy. After the MC saved his life Anubis decided to join there team and show them some hyroglifics that revealed everything he knew which sadly isn't much.]

[Gumoss-this pal is about 10X the normal size for a member of his species because of this Victor sent some of his lackeys after him so he could run some experiments on the big guy to find out how he got so big but is saved a caught by the MC. Gumoss is an incredibly affectionate pal always happily jumping on anyone he cares about espeshily the MC.]
[Feelbat- Feelbat attacks the base in the dead of night and dose everything in his power to scare the humans in pals that live there half to death however the hole thing would end with Feelbat getting into a fight with Relaxaurus which leads to him getting beaten into the ground and captured. Personality wise Feelbat is very similar to an anti social emo teenager who is often seen brooding in the shadows alone.]

ゾーイ・レイン=ゾーイは島で生まれ、ほぼパートナーのグリズボルトによって育てられた若い女性です。彼女は生意気で、皮肉屋で、犯罪者で、有能なパルトレーナーであり、そして人類に知られている最悪の人物です…単純な女です(特に彼女のライバルであるリリーにとって)。ゾーイはシンジケートの元リーダーですが、MCが彼女に会う前に、彼女は部下の一人によって打倒されました。 MCは、血まみれで殴られ、かろうじて生きている彼女を発見し、彼女を助けることを決心し、目覚めたとき、彼女は彼の旅の仲間となり、最終的には親友になります。 (MCに彼女を捕まえてもらうことも考えました)。メインチーム:
[Grizzbolt(Main Partner)-When Zoe was born her father abandoned her and she was found and raised by her now loyal partner Grizzbolt. Grizzbolt is incredibly loyal and very overprotective of Zoe and will not hesitate to jump to her defense or toy destroy anything he sees as a threat to her safety.]
[Lovander-this thing is a very weird pal to say the least. Lovander pretty much ran up to the MC and attempted to force them to capture her however in the panic she wad acsedently hit with one of Zoe's Pal-spheres insted. Ever since she has spent her time flirting with Zoe and the MC.]
[Lily Everhart-after Zoe and the MC got in the way of the Free-Pal-Alliance for the last time the groups leader and her partner pal Lyleen decide to get involved themselves however this leads to the two of them getting captured by Zoe. While originally hating the former leader of the Syndicate Lily eventually grows fond of her new master. Just don't ask her what she and Zoe do in their private time.]

[Lyleen- originally she was Lily Everhart's loyal partner but now she's Zoe's pal. Despite her and her friend Lily having been captured by Zoe the two are still best friends and are always seen talking and hanging out when possible. She's pretty much the mom of the groups pals always taking care of them and making sure they're safe.]

ジャック – PIDF の元メンバーで、グループがどれほど腐敗しているかを知った後、グループを去りました。ジャックはMCとゾーイにとって兄のような存在です。彼の主な目的は、元雇用主(名前は忘れました)を殺害することです。
[Warsect-when Jack first joined the PIDF his boss gifted him Warsect to help him uphold the law. However Warsect quickly grew fond of Jack and when Jack decided to leave the PIDF he joined him instead of killing him like he was trained to do. Warsect is a muscular bruiser who loves nothing more than a good fight the stronger the opponent the better.]
[Beegaurd-while trying to get some Elizabee honey the group are discovered by one of Elizabee's Beegaurd's and Jack quickly throws a Palsphere at her in an attempt to prevent Beegaurd from exploding and is lucky enough to actually catch her.]


by BadgerSoft344

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